January's Mooncasting (12/31 - 1/6/2019): Holy Transformative Energies..... Hold on to your Boot Straps or your Secret Under the Mattress Tie Downs... Whichever is your preference! For this weeks Card Pull, I received two wonderful messages which of course, as is Divine's Will, Completely Coincide with the Planetary, Moon and Sun Aspects!
On Dec 31, 2018 Mars Entered Aries giving us not only a Push in the direction of forward Movement of Personal Plan Execution, but also Insight as to how we channel Our Aggression and how we Perceive and "Receive" others' aggression's! If you are feeling a little Hot Under the Collar.... Put the Anger in Check and use the Energy to Benefit the Breaking of Ties and Binds, use it as jet fuel to push you into an area of Release, Freedom, Independence and Self-Healing!
With our Sun still sitting in Capricorn and the Energetic influence of Mars/Aries.... This is a Great time to get those Finances in order and do some Organizing of Papers, desks, etc... No Clutter to Hold you Back!!
Friday, January 4th Mercury Enters Capricorn, bringing with it Business, Financial Planning, Communication, Goal Setting, Quick Wit and a not so Sweet way of doing it! Be Careful, remember to be Nice! A Grounded Feeling regarding our Soul Plans can be felt at this time as we embark on our path of Authenticity! Also remember that All Work (or talk of it) and No Play will Eat you from the Inside out! Take a Break and Have some Fun! Now is a time of exciting Prospects and New Possibilities, we just need to open our minds and have Faith! Listen to your Dreams and Intuition as you are filled with new ideas and areas of supercharged communication. Do New Things, Explore new Places, Talk to New People! Do Not Be surprised if you Find Your Tribe at this time.... That group of people that resonate with your Authenticity and Soul Truth...Spend time with Them!
Saturday, January 5th New moon in Capricorn and Solar Eclipse shine light on us reminding us of the Solid Foundation and Stability we long for, One that we Deserve in our Lives. Our Most Stable and Secure Foundation revolves around our Deepest Truth, What Our Heart, Mind, Body and Soul Truly Long For! Allow that Truth to move you to Focus on the Area of Self Growth, that is really Wanted. Now is the Time to dedicate Energy to You and What Truly Matters! The increasing need for Excitement and Change will boost the Energy of Focus, feeding Faith in Possibility, Optimism and Abundance! Intentions, Seed Planting and Goal Setting, at this time will be Rooted in Foundational Success!
Sunday, January 6th Uranus moves Direct, and as we realize that we no longer need to lower our standards of our life’s wants and needs, We open up to Healing by KNOWING That we Deserve Authentic Love. No More Bullshit…. No More Settling!! As we start to stand up for ourselves more and more we realize that we are also moving away from People and Situations that no longer serve our best and highest good. We long to Expand our Minds and our Hearts deeper into the Realm of Self-Healing and Forward Movement. All of those Truths that were revealed to us during Retrograde are In Our FACES! No need to Hide any longer, We Can Only Heal by Acknowledging and Releasing with Love and Light!
As for the Cards: Perception and 3 of Earth in Reverse
Our Perception guides us on this path of life by feeding our senses with What we Think to be True! Now is the time to Really Take it All In... Change the Way of Thinking... Looking upon a Situation in a Positive Way will bring about Better results than immediately feeding it with Negativity!
The 3 of Earth (in reverse) Reminds us to remain AUTHENTIC in our Pursuit on the Path of Best and Highest Good. It reminds us to Love those Closest to us and KNOW that they are a Gift.
These Two Cards show us the Ingredients of a Strong, Stable, True Foundation.... Especially in the Earthly Sign of Capricorn!
See you Next Week! - <3 MareLin PNW High Priestess
#MoonCasting #TheSapling #MareLin_PNWHPriestess #Proudtobeawitch #ProudtobePagan #DreamsofGaiaTarot #TheOptiMysticOracle
