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New Moon In Aquarius

Updated: Jan 23, 2020

Happy New Year! The opening of this year was pretty harsh for my family. We were down with the Flu and My sweet Roxie (14yr old dog) crossed the rainbow bridge. We have been slowly picking up the pace and the emotions around the house. It feels like the New Year isn't really starting until the Lunar New year, The Year of the Rat (me), on the 25th... Ahhhh a little pre-sigh of relief as the New moon visits us on the 24th of January, 2020 as she enters the sign of Aquarius. I don't know about you... But I have not been able to sleep for the past 3 days, my Mind has been a buzzz with Ideas and Divine Downloads making it Very hard to Focus... so much so, that I recorded a meditation regarding That Very Issue! If you are wondering...Yes, I listen to my own recorded meditations. I know, so narcissistic of me... but then again, if they don't evoke the necessary response within me, I can't expect them to work for anyone else and I just Love Listening to Myself Talk!! (Squirrel)

I am Such an Earth person... This Windy energy of Aquarius is Sweeping me off of my feet, leaving me a little imbalanced (the anti depressants aren't even touching this feeling)! I know, I know... like I tell others... I should be utilizing this supercharged energy but at this time I'm truly wishing there were Physically more than One Me! Definitely One Dedicated to Meditation and Breathing work!! I honestly feel, that when we entered the Eclipse Gateway on December 12th, I tucked myself into the sweet surrender of Hibernation, Shadow, Deep Earth. During my blissful introspection, somehow More dirt was put upon me until I had No Choice but to Wake the Fuck up, Dig Myself Out and shake the earth off of me!! Coincidentally, this has been taking place for the Past Few Days! The Eclipse Gateway is Closing with the coming of the New Moon, The Light is Returning and the Air is once again Filling my Lungs.... I just didn't expect to be taken by it so much.

New moon brings with it the energy of New Beginnings and Intentions....Those are all great things, but honestly, Nothing will Grow or Change for you unless You Work at it as well. Set an intention for Yourself of Self Love, Self Care, Self Awareness, Self Healing.... Make a Contract with Yourself, Communicate your Wants, Needs and Boundaries to establish The Realistic tasks that lead to The Dream Goal! It is time to look outside the box and walk into the Future. So, put your shades on and just take the 1st step! Do we necessarily know the direction of the path we are on... No, but I GUARANTEE you if you walk it with Authenticity and Love in your heart (which can be super scary... vulnerability), you will find that you won't be alone for long. If there is one thing I have learned by watching the show, YOU, it is that Like Minded People Always Find Each Other.

Now is the time to Change the World. Firstly we need to amend ourselves. I mean... We Are The World...There's an entire song about it, have we forgotten?!?! The Bigger Picture is being seen by many. Now It's time to Plot Our Course, together, in the Name of Love! Does change always go over without a hitch... Fuck No!! The hurdles will come from others and, News Flash, From Our Own Damn Self as well. You know they are coming... Don't Lay Down and Give Up, Don't Fight... Just Flow and Honestly Acknowledge what comes into play. Take notice in the cords of commitment that are bound a little too tightly. Should you give those commitments up... Maybe, but Maybe not. Why not try approaching this in a way that is Healthy for You and All involved.... Remember those Boundaries I spoke of earlier in this blog... well, this instance would be a great time to utilize them!

New Moon Reading

Let's get to the Cards at Hand... This Moon I threw a 3 card spread with the intention of finding a way to call in Aquarius Clarity and Insight.

Card 1: Initiation: This card is about a Spiritual Awakening. An acknowledgement of your connection to Divine, The Path you will take and the agreement to live your life and Celebrate your Spiritual Beliefs the Best way you can. This relationship that is forged with Divine must be true so you can here the needs and guidance of the Universe with Clarity. The Same kind of Awakening Clarity in which you First heard, the same kind of Passion as you first had. This card represents a Spiritual Calling, An acknowledgement that you are Living with a Higher Purpose and it is time to Leave old ways of Living! Card 2: The Nine of Water (Rvs): This card is about Abundance, Prosperity, Generosity, Giving and Receiving. When it visits us in reverse it is reminding us that We are Worthy of Receiving these Gifts from the Universe. It tells us that we are Turning our backs on the Blessings being presented to us, because we may deem ourselves unworthy. Here is a little reminder.... YOU Are Worthy of Receiving the Blessings of The Universe... now repeat that to yourself and call upon your guides for guidance. Card 3: The Wheel (Rvs): This card is about strengthening our relationship with Nature and to attune to the cycles of Divine! We Attune to Mother Earth to help Heal the Imbalances that exist in nature due to US. Because this card is presenting itself in Reverse, it is reminding us that we need to Help Break the Cycle of Destructing our Planet, we need to realize that Change is in The Air and it is time to get off our asses and Take a Stand For our Earth Mother. Because of the above Nine of water in reverse, we are being reminded that we will not be able to see the gifts or the next step in changing our fortune unless we open our Senses to our Spiritual Connection and Allow ourselves to Be Awoke AF!!

*Cards used were from my Book of Shadows Tarot.

Happy New Moon Blessings to you all!

<3 MareLin

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